Class 7th Kannada Lesson-02 (Antima Vidhaya) 28.12.2020
Class 7th Kannada Lesson-02 (Antima Vidhaya) 28.12.2020 Note: Write neatly in your class work Draw the line after each answer
Class 7th Kannada Poem-1 (Jaana aame) – (08.12.2020)
Class 7th Kannada Poem-1 (Jaana aame) Note Write neatly in poetry classwork.
Class 7th Kannnada (2nd semester) – Lesson-1(Jaathreyalli ondu suthu) – (1-12-2020)
Class 7th Kannnada (2nd semester) – Lesson-1(Jaayhreyalli ondu suthu) – (1-12-2020) Note: Write the classwork neatly.
Class 7th Kannada 5th Activity
Class 7th Kannada 5th Activity-(Shravana Bantu Kaadige) Note: Do the activity neatly Stick the pictures left side in the activity book.
Class 7th Kannada 4th Activity
Class 7th Kannada 4th Activity (Lekhana Chinhegalu) Note: Do the activity neatly Draw the punctuation marks neatly in the left side
Class 7th Kannada 3rd Activity
Class 7th Kannada 3rd Activity (Annadaatha) Note: Do the activity neatly. Stick the pictures at the left side in the activity book.
Class 7th Kannada 2nd activity
Class 7th Kannada 2nd activity (Bharatha Bhoomi Nanna Tayi) Note: Do the activity neatly Stick the pictures left side in the activity book
Class 7th Kannada 1st Activity
Class 7th Kannada 1st Activity Note: Do the activity neatly in the activity book Stick the pictures left side in the activity book
Class 7th Kannada Lesson-8 Notes (Kolala Jogi) – (03.10.2020)
Class 7th Kannada Lesson-8 Notes (Kolala Jogi) Note: Write the classwork neatly.
Class 7th Kannada Lesson-7 Notes (Shravana Banthu Kaadige) – (10.09.2020)
Class 7th Kannada Lesson-7 Notes (Shravana Banthu Kaadige) Note: Write the classwork neatly.