Maths-1std-Activity-03-Solid Around Us
Maths-1std-Activity-03-Solid Around Us 1.Draw a Circle, Rectangle,Triangle and Square and colour it neatly 2.Do the Activity in one side ruled notebook.
3rd std-Maths-chapter-2-Numbers -Notes
3rd std-Maths-chapter-2-Numbers -Notes Notes: 1.write class Work neatly 2.Write class work with pencil 3.write class work in Horizontal lines notes 4.Draw the figures neatly using scale and pencil. 5.solve the remaning problems yourself.
1st std-Maths-Chapter-Digits(1 -9)-Notes
1st std-Maths-Chapter-Digits(1 -9)-Notes Notes: 1.Write class Work neatly 2.Write class work with PENCIL 3 .Draw the outlines in note book with RED PEN
1st std-Maths-chapter-2-Solid Around Us-Notes
1st std-Maths-chapter-2-Solid Around Us-Notes Notes: 1.Write class Work neatly 2.Write class work with PENCIL 3.Draw the figures neatly using scale and pencil and colour it. 4 .Draw the outlines in note book with RED PEN
1st std-Maths-chapter-1-Spatial Understanding-Notes
1st std-Maths-chapter-1-Spatial Understanding-Notes Notes: 1.Write class Work neatly 2.Write class work with PENCIL 3.Write class work in Square-Box note book 4 .Draw the outlines in note book with RED PEN
3rd std-Maths-chapter-1-Shapes-Notes
3rd std-Maths-chapter-1-Shapes-Notes Notes: 1.write class Work neatly 2.Write class work with pencil 3.write class work in Horizontal lines notes 4.Draw the figures neatly using scale and pencil.
3std Maths-chapter1-shapes-activity1
3rd std Maths-Chapter 1-Shape-Activity-01 Note:Do the given Activity in one side ruled note book
1stdMaths-chapter1-spatial understanding-activity1
1st std Maths-Chapter 1-spatial understanding-activity -1 (10-07-2020) Friday Note: Do the given activity neatly in one side ruled note book.