Class 1 Maths (II Sem) Activity-2 Money (27.02.2021)
Class 1 Maths (II Sem) Activity-2 Money Note: Do the activity neatly.
1st std Kannada classwork
Note: Complete the classwork
2nd std-lesson-Division-chapter(06)
2nd std-lesson-Division-chapter(06)
3rd std EVS (social) lesson no.21 The Game- Hide and Seek activity 2nd semester
3rd std EVS (social) lesson no.21 The Game-Hide and Seek activity 2nd semester. Complete the given activity.
3rd Std EVS(social) lesson no.21 The Game- Hide and Seek 2nd semester
3rd std EVS (social) lesson no.21 The Game- Hide and Seek 2nd semester. Note: complete the given class work.
1st std Kannada-Padagalu-(Video).
1st std Kannada-Padagalu-(Video).
2nd standard -2nd semester -Lesson -8
2nd standard -2nd semester-Lesson-8 (class work) Note: complete the class work neatly.
3rd standard -second semester lesson -10 Arogya Bhagya
3rd standard-second semester lesson-10 Arogya Bhagya Note: complete the class work neatly on 27.2.21
1st std English-2nd Semester-Lesson-01-A Day Out-(Video).
1st std English-2nd Semester-Lesson-01-A Day Out-(Video).
3rd std EVS-(Science)-2nd Semester-Lesson-01-Our Kitchen-(Video-02).
3rd std EVS-(Science)-2nd Semester-Lesson-01-Our Kitchen-(Video-02).