5th standard English- Activity – 3 The Grateful Tenant
5th standard English Activity – 3 The Grateful Tenant Note :Learn and write the Dictation words.
3rd standard E.V.S Activity – 4 The story of a drop of water
3rd standard E.V.S Activity – 4 The story of a drop of water Note :Do the given activity neatly.
4th standard E.V.S Activity – 4 Roots – support of the plant
4th standard E.V.S Activity – 4 ROOTS – Support of the plant Note :Do the given activity.
5th standard English Lesson – 04 Bird migration (class work)
5th standard English Lesson – 04 Bird migration (class work) Note :complete the given class work.
Class 4th Maths Chapter-8 (Mental Arithmetic) – (23.10.2020)
Class 4th Maths Chapter-8 (Mental Arithmetic) – (23.10.2020) Note: Write these sums in homework book neatly.